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From thought to action

We can think of our passing thoughts as cars swiftly moving through a busy intersection. We have thousands of thoughts a day, and we don't give much attention to most of them. Here is an example:

"I really should start going to the gym."

What a fabulous thought...a thought which then quickly disappears into the darkness of this phenomenal organ we call "the brain". But what if we gave this thought some cognitive validation? This is a fabulous thought, and it's true. Now nod your head, change the sentence a little, and say it out loud.

"I will start going to the gym."

Excellent. But how do you make this happen? A concrete plan is always helpful. Write out the steps.

1) I will research gyms in my area.

2) I will write down pros and cons and make a decision.

3) I will have a plan for what I will do when I get there.

4) I will work out 4 times a week.

Even better - be intentional and specific . When will you do these things? Set a timeline and put the steps in your calendar.

1) On Saturday morning I will research gyms in my area and tour 3 that are within my budget.

2) I will make a decision about which gym I will join by Sunday afternoon and take the steps necessary to join.

3) I will research group fitness options and create a schedule.

4) I will put my schedule in my calendar and set reminders.

I'll leave you with a quote that one of my clients shared with me recently:

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

― Lao Tzu

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